HIIT class Paris 10: high-intensity HIIT to build muscle
Engagez l’ensemble de votre corps grâce à nos séances de HIIT. Explorez les secrets du HIIT au sein de notre studio DRIP. Découvrez une variété d’exercices intenses pour vous remettre en forme ! Faites-nous confiance et testez nos séances qui harmonisent le renforcement musculaire et le cardio.
(In a good way, obviously.)
Un cours de sport pour sortir ses tripes ? C'est chez DRIP que ça se passe ! Avec deux studios de HIIT situés à Paris, ce concept fait ses preuves et nous pousse à nous surpasser.
When you go to DRIP, it’s to push your limits! This HIIT studio s a true invitation to surpass yourself.
Every day of the week, the DRIP studio takes up the challenge of making you sweat while enjoying the effort.
"A screen is placed at each station and displays the exercise carried out and it is very practical so as not to lose rhythm when you have not listened to the instructions carefully and the coach is at the other end from the studio!”
“When you practice a high-intensity sporting activity, you train your mind by pushing your limits.”
“The sports class to surpass yourself even more”
A HIIT workout that suits everyone
Chez DRIP, aucune compétence préalable n’est requise pour le HIIT. Que vous soyez débutant ou un confirmé du circuit training, l’accent est mis sur votre progression au fil des séances. Ainsi, vous pouvez libérer votre stress tout en vous entraînant efficacement ! Vous pouvez aborder les différents ateliers en confiance puisque nos coachs se chargent de vous conseiller sur tous les exercices ainsi que de vous stimuler tout au long de la séance.
Develop a love-hate for circuit training
Pourquoi opter pour DRIP ? Notre studio propose des séances d’entraînement intensives de 45 minutes dans une ambiance tamisée. Déplacez-vous d’un atelier à l’autre au rythme de playlists énergisantes. DRIP cible le renforcement musculaire et le cardio. Qui sait, vous pourriez bien tomber sous le charme du body weight, de l’assault bike ou pour les poids lourds. Retrouvez 7 bases, 3 rounds, 1 minute par base, pour chauffer votre corps au maximum ! C’est le moment de sortir votre côté sportif dans notre salle de sport à Paris 10.
An attractive HIIT studio
Explorez un studio de HIIT aux dernières tendances, illuminé par des néons aux multiples couleurs, baigné dans des teintes de bleu. Une fois dans le cours, profitez des playlists entraînantes, d’écrans illustrant les exercices durant la séance. Pour les plus curieux, rendez-vous directement au studio ! En résumé, c’est un studio moderne, idéal pour un circuit hiit de haut niveau. De quoi vous absorber dans l’univers DRIP !
Take the time, we'll take care of the rest
Au sein de DRIP, nul besoin de vous balader avec vos produits hygiéniques. En effet, nos vestiaires sont parfaitement équipés pour vous permettre de ressortir plus éclatant qu’à votre arrivée. Des produits naturels certifiés biologiques sont disponibles dans les douches pour prendre soin de votre peau. De plus, pour vous garantir que vous quittiez le studio entièrement sec, des serviettes et des sèche-cheveux sont à votre disposition.
A training circuit to strengthen your muscles a few steps from Paris 10
Need to know where your new favorite circuit training studio is located in the 10th arrondissement of Paris? Whether you are passing through Place de la République, visiting the Choco-Story museum or taking a stroll along the Canal Saint-Martin, Paris 10 is just a few minutes from our studio.
Montez à bord de la ligne 9 et arrêtez-vous à Bonne Nouvelle. Prenez la sortie 3 – Rue d’Hauteville pour accéder à notre studio. Moins de 20 minutes suffisent pour atterrir chez DRIP.
Besoin d’une expérience immersive qui vous fera aimer autant que détester le sport ? Venez tester nos cours de HIIT inspirés du crossfit à Paris. Profitez d’un sport aux multiples facettes à quelques minutes du 10e arrondissement. Ready, set, DRIP !
45 minutes of intense training in the dark where all the muscles of the body work, with coaches who are there...
Impeccable, course where we surpass ourselves with all the energy of the coaches and the immersive atmosphere!
45 minutes of pure happiness! Few people were really ideal, we were all spaced out well. Music at...
3 months since I started and I was completely hooked. It is accessible to all levels and very welcoming,...
I really like the concept. I'm on my 5th session. I see the progress I made between the first...
Sometimes, it's better to spend a little time explaining rather than sweating for nothing.
At DRIP, all our sessions are accessible to beginners, intermediates, advanced… The idea is to be able to go with anyone and have a good time, as intense as we like it. Trainers are there to make you love sweating!
⚠️ Warning: the session is too physical for pregnancy. Ask your doctor.
At DRIP, HIIT is done in group classes in a high-end studio. We mix cardio and muscle strengthening with exercises from bodybuilding and crossfit. Which gives us a perfect mix for a very spicy cross training workout. 🌶️
The session begins with a complete warm-up. You can install directly at the spot you booked or which was assigned to you.
A session at DRIP is simple:
– 7 bases with and without equipment
– 3 rounds
– 1 minute per base
– 1 collective finisher to enjoy even more!
For more details on the session, you can click here.
Of course ! Certes ce ne sont que 45 minutes de workout, mais c’est un vrai cocktail explosif d’intensité et de fun. 🥵
Grâce au format circuit training et à la méthode d’entraînement HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), vous maximisez la perte de graisse, boostez votre cardio, et renforcez vos muscles. Vous ressortez du studio avec la fierté d’avoir tout donné et les bienfaits se feront rapidement sentir !
The advantage is that you burn a maximum number of calories in a short time thanks to the intensity. Cardio work, mobility gain, muscle strengthening, etc. Session after session you will feel that everything is improving and that the exercises are becoming easier. 💪
Plus with HIIT, you continue to burn calories even after your training. You already burn up to 30% more calories than a classic strengthening session, plus you continue to burn calories post-workout. What more ?
So, in terms of results, believe us if you are diligent and pay a little attention to what you eat, it will quickly be seen. Your muscles will be defined, you will lose fat mass and above all, you will feel in Olympic shape!
Hell yeah! Our sessions include more than 80 different exercises, which work each muscle group, spread over 7 bases, for mind-blowing variety. But that's not all…
Every day, our coaches prepare new exercises just for you. We promise you, you won't be bored! 🔥
Our coaches are there to motivate you and support you during each session! They make sure you improve and challenge yourself session after session.
Peu importe votre niveau, nos coachs vous guident et observent vos progrès. Tout ça en vous poussant dans vos retranchements pour donner le meilleur de vous-même. L’idée, c’est de vous faire suer et sourire en même temps ! 💦
Health before all ! Because hey, if your body no longer cooperates, it's going to be difficult to exercise. So, don't panic, the exercises can obviously be adapted.
Our coaches ask all participants at the start of the session if you have any injuries or physical discomfort. They then adapt the exercises according to your needs. 🤝
N’hésitez pas à discuter de vos limitations ou de vos blessures avec nos coachs, ils sauront trouver des alternatives pour que vous puissiez profiter pleinement de la session sans souci.
L’ambiance chez DRIP, c’est la fusion parfaite entre intensité et solidarité. On s’amuse, on se défoule, on se dépasse, le tout dans un esprit de groupe. Tout ça, c’est grâce à la bienveillance de nos coachs, à l’esprit d’entraide de chaque membre, et aussi un peu (beaucoup) grâce aux playlists de folie qui vous motivent à tout donner.
DRIP is the perfect place to let go, meet great people, and above all, sweat with a smile! 🤩
We offer different packages and memberships for the more or less motivated among you. You can also purchase sessions per unit if you prefer.
You can find all the necessary information on the page pricing.
For any other questions regarding payments and memberships, these links will be useful to you:
Pay directly to the studio
Terminationer your subscription
Suspend your subscription
Session taken at closing
Know the balance and validity date of your remaining sessions
Find the end date of your subscription
1. Create an account on the website DRIP.
2. Choose your niche and your coach.
3. Book your spot, or your seat number if you prefer. It will follow you throughout the session.
4. You receive a confirmation email. If the session is full, you are on the waiting list. In this case, we will call you at least 2 hours before and send you an email to find out if you are still available.
On the big day: arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the session, just to get ready. Give your first name at reception and go change. If it's your first time, don't worry, our staff is here to pamper you!
⚠️ Warning: the session is too physical for pregnancy. Ask your doctor.
The most intensive HIIT studio in the capital has two locations in Paris. Twice as much HIIT for twice as much fun. We give you the choice between:
- The Monceau studio
- The Grands Boulevards studio
DRIP Monceau
50 rue de Monceau, Paris 75008
DRIP Grands Boulevards
29 rue des Petites Écuries, Paris 75010
And if you are looking for our studio schedules, you will find our class slots on our planning.
Starting from the 10th arrondissement of Paris, our closest HIIT studio is the one located at Grands Boulevards. Allow 15 minutes by metro.
Rien que pour vous, voici l’itinéraire à suivre pour venir chez DRIP Grands Boulevards. Voici comment faire :
- Take line 8 towards Créteil – Pointe du Lac
- Get off at the Bonne Nouvelle stop
- Prenez la sortie 3 – Rue d’Hauteville
- Walk along this street
- Turn right onto Rue des Petites Ecuries
- Walk to number 29
- And now you have arrived in front of your favorite HIIT club
And if out of curiosity you want to try our studio in Monceau, here is how to reach us from Paris 10:
- Take line 3 towards Pont de Levallois – Bécon
- Stop at Villiers station
- Take exit 3 – boulevard de Courcelles
- Walk along this boulevard
- Turn left onto Boulevard Malesherbes
- Turn left onto Rue de Monceau
- Continue to number 50
- And hop you are in front of DRIP Monceau
À Paris, le HIIT est en pleine expansion, même si les studios exclusivement consacrés à cette méthode restent peu nombreux. Cependant, de nombreuses salles proposent des cours inspirés du HIIT, du pilates ou du circuit training.
Voici quelques lieux à explorer :
- KAH Studio & Coffee
- Episode
- Nineten
- Midtown
- Barry's Bootcamp
- Outboxing
- Punch
- The circle
Mais pour une immersion totale dans le HIIT, venez chez DRIP ! On vous y attend pour un concept 100 % HIIT, avec des séances dynamiques qui vous pousseront à vous dépasser. ❤️🔥
Can not find the answer to your question ? Go to the chat by clicking on the icon at the bottom right.
Drip Hiit
Contact us
Our studios
DRIP – HIIT Studio
50 rue de Monceau,
75008 Paris
DRIP – HIIT Studio | Grands Boulevard
29 rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris
Our studios
DRIP – HIIT Studio
50 rue de Monceau,
75008 Paris
DRIP – HIIT Studio | Grand Boulevards
29 rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris
Drip Hiit
Good news
29 rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris
welcome pack
That is 26 credits which will allow you to complete at least two sessions* of your choice from among our 6 activities.
One purchase per customer
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)
Shareable Session Pack
We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (sessions deducted from your account)
You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.
Shareable subscription
We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your account)
You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.
The credit system
The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.
85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:
- the type of session,
- attendance,
- the schedule.
Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.
Postponable sessions
Malade ? En congés ? ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos séance(s) hebdomadaire ?
No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.
The credit system
The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.
The credits required per session depend on different criteria such as:
- the type of session,
- attendance,
- the schedule.
Prices are more advantageous than before with this new system.