Une femme qui fait un box jump lors de son circuit training


Circuit training exercises: the 64 best exercises to try

Reading time : 28 min

THE circuit training is a training method perfect for work the whole body quickly. She blend notably muscle strengthening And cardio movements.

Additionally, you can easily build your workout ! For this, you have the choice between many exercises to target the upper body, THE lower body, THE abs and even work your cardio.

You are out of exercise ideas ? SO, this article is perfect for you ! We have prepared a list of the best exercises to include in your training.

Ready to sweat? Let's go! ⚡


The best exercises for your circuit training

What's good about circuit training is that you can choose the exercises you want to include in your session. You can select them according to your desires, your needs and your level.

So you have several possibilities of movements:

  1. Exercises for upper body
  2. Exercises for the lower body
  3. Exercises complete/versatile
  4. Exercises for abs
  5. Exercises to work on cardio

1. Circuit training exercises for the upper body

If you want focus on your upper body (back, shoulders, arms, etc.) these exercises are made for you ! 💪

Here is a list of our favorites:

  1. THE push-ups and their variants (pectorals, triceps and shoulders)
  2. THE pike push-ups (shoulders, trapezius and triceps)
  3. THE pull-ups (back and forearms)
  4. THE dips (triceps, pectorals and shoulders)
  5. THE handstand push-ups (shoulders, triceps and trapezius)
  6. THE shoulder taps (arms, shoulders and deep trunk muscles)
  7. THE reverse row (back, forearms, biceps and trapezius)
  8. THE biceps curl (biceps and forearms)
  9. THE triceps extensions (triceps)
  10. THE rowing (back, trapezius and forearms)
  11. THE triceps kickbacks (triceps)
  12. THE frontal and side elevations (front and side of shoulders)
  13. The leaning bust bird (back of shoulders)
  14. THE bench (pectorals, triceps and shoulders)
  15. THE shoulder press (shoulders, triceps and trapezius)

2. Circuit training exercises for the lower body

If you want work your lower body muscles (quadriceps, glutes, hamstring, etc.), these exercises are made for you. 🍗

Here is a list of our favorites:

  1. THE hip thrusts (glutes and hamstrings)
  2. THE squats and their variants (quadriceps, glutes, ischios and adductors)
  3. THE glute bridges/hip raises (glutes and hamstrings)
  4. THE front and rear slots (quadriceps and glutes)
  5. THE nordic hamstring curl (ischio)
  6. THE side leg raises (glutes, hamstrings and hip flexors)
  7. THE floor glute kickbacks (glutes and hamstrings)
  8. THE step-ups (quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes)
  9. There chair (quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes)
  10. THE Bulgarian split squats (quadriceps, glutes and calves)
  11. THE calf extensions (calves)
  12. THE deadlift (hamstring, back, lumbar and glutes)
  13. THE kettlebell swings (glutes, ischios, hips and lumbar)
  14. THE swiss ball leg curls (ischios)
  15. THE wall balls (quadriceps, glutes, and hamstring)
  16. THE good morning (hamstring, glutes and lumbar)

3. Complete/versatile circuit training exercises

If you want work several muscles of the body (top, bottom and deep muscles) in a single movement, then these exercises are made for you. 🏋️

Here is a list of our favorites:

  1. THE slam balls (hamstring, quadriceps, glutes and upper body)
  2. THE thrusters (glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and upper body)
  3. THE clean squats (hamstring, glutes, quadriceps and upper body)
  4. THE mountain climbers (shoulders, triceps, hamstrings and abs)
  5. THE snatch (hamstring, glutes, quadriceps and upper body)
  6. THE bird dog (glutes, abdominals and lumbar)
  7. THE commando sheathing (shoulders, triceps and abs)
  8. THE superman (low back, glutes and deep abdominal muscles)

4. Circuit training exercises for the abs

If you want to strengthen your abs (transverse, obliques, etc.) to have a beautiful six pack, these exercises are waiting for you. 🍫

Here is a list of our favorites:

  1. THE crunches (rectus abdominis and obliques)
  2. THE sit-ups (rectus rectus, obliques and deep muscles)
  3. THE sheathing and its variants (rectus rectus, transverse and obliques)
  4. THE v-ups (large right)
  5. THE russian twists (obliques and rectus abdominis)
  6. THE dead bugs (rectus abdominis, transverse and obliques)
  7. There plank toe keys (obliques, transverse and rectus abdominis)
  8. THE scissors (rectus abdominis, transverse and hip flexors)
  9. THE bicycle crunches (obliques, rectus abdominis and hip flexors)
  10. THE rowing crunches (rectus and transverse)
  11. THE leg raises (rectus abdominis, transverse, obliques and hip flexors)

5. Cardio circuit training exercises

OK, so far we have seen exercises to strengthen your muscles. But the, we change register.

If you want improve your cardiovascular endurance, these movements are made for you. 🫀

Here is a list of our favorites:

  1. There jumping rope (high knees, single unders and double unders)
  2. THE knee raises on the spot
  3. THE squat jumps
  4. THE burpees
  5. THE jumping jacks
  6. THE tipping (sprint on the spot)
  7. THE sautéed lunges
  8. THE tuck jumps (group jumps)
  9. THE rower
  10. The echo bike Or assault bike
  11. THE sprints
  12. THE box jumps
  13. THE bike
  14. There battle rope

OK, with all the exercises that we have just given you, you have ample enough to make a good circuit training !

To help you a little more, we will give you some tips for performing the movements correctly the most used.

Some tips for your circuit training exercises

1. Tips for upper body exercises

Rowing (dumbbells)

  • Start with the dumbbells in hands and the straight back
  • Your feet are discarded hip width
  • Your arm are situated along your legs
  • Flex slightly knees
  • Lean forward to almost have a 90° angle
  • Don't arch your back And don't round it either
  • Your head East in alignment with your spine
  • For that, look at the ground without raising or lowering your head
  • Tighten also the abdominals And hollow the navel
  • Your arm are shoulder width and remain at your legs
  • Pull your elbows up to your hips in a way to ride them
  • Your arm must stay almost glued to your legs And your back
  • THE movement must be done vertically and not back and forth
  • Once the elbows at back level lower the dumbbells
  • Control the descent And don't stretch your arms all the way
  • Repeat the movement up and down without moving your back

Dips (on bench or chair)

  • Put yourself back to the bench or to the chair
  • Place your hands on it, close to your body And not too far apart
  • Your back must stay close to the chair or bench
  • YOU start the movement with straight arms and the legs in front of you
  • Make a flexion of the elbow to bend them to 90° (or a little more)
  • Control the descent well without going too low
  • Go back up without completely stretch your elbows
  • THE movement is vertical, do not go forward or backward
  • Your elbows have to be neither too inward nor too outward
  • The further apart you move your feet (straightening your legs) the harder it is
  • If it's too easy, you can add weight to your legs

The pumps

  • Put yourself in push-up position, THE legs stretched
  • Your hands have to be a little wider than your shoulder width
  • Place your hands just below your shoulders
  • The closer you bring your hands together, the more you work triceps
  • To be well in balance you can spread your fingers
  • You can also slightly spread your legs to be stable
  • Lower your chest to the floor with a elbow flexion
  • Remember the descent And keep your elbows A little towards the inside
  • THE movement must be vertical without moving your shoulders forward
  • Once the chest on the ground, come back up without fully extending your elbows
  • Throughout the movement your back must remain straight
  • For that, pull in your navel and tighten your abs
  • If it's too complicated, you can do on the knees

The shoulder press (dumbbell or bar)

  • Get started stand with feet hip-width apart
  • Your legs are slightly bent
  • YOU squeeze the navel tightly and the abs For to be sheathed
  • Your hands are a little wider than your shoulders
  • THE elbows are inwards, A little forward And to the top
  • At the start of the gesture, the bar or dumbbells are placed on your shoulders
  • Push into your shoulders and arms to raise the bar
  • Your arms must end almost straight above your head
  • There trajectory is vertical, the bar or dumbbells rise upwards
  • Your feet, your legs and your trunk must not move
  • Put it weight of your body slightly on the heels to be stable
  • Do lower the bar or dumbbells while controlling them
  • Finish by placing the rod where the dumbbells on the shoulders
  • Then start the movement again

Triceps extensions (dumbbells)

You can make them from several ways, but we will see together how to do it with your two arms and a dumbbell.

The execution is as follows:

  • You can either stay stand up or sit down on a bench
  • Stand straight, without arching your back
  • Stay well sheathed by tightening the abs
  • Take a dumbbell with both hands and place them in the shape of triangle
  • Your hands must put themselves under the upper part of the dumbbell
  • Stretch your arms then pass them slightly behind your head
  • Don't lean back, but rather a little forward
  • try keep your head straight
  • Make a elbow flexion to lower the dumbbell
  • The dumbbell must go down behind your head
  • Stop when your elbows form a 90° angle
  • Afterwards, come up by straightening your elbows
  • In top of movement you must not not stretch them completely
  • Keep always a little bend
  • You just have to repeat the same steps

2. Tips for lower body exercises

Side leg raises

  • Stand straight.e standing with legs straight
  • Contract your abs to be sheathed and stable
  • Keep it left leg on the ground
  • Raise your right leg to the side And a little forward
  • Once up, to the maximum of your mobility, hold for 1 to 2 seconds
  • Then lower your leg in controlling the descent
  • Do it same thing, but with the left leg
  • You can alternate one leg after the other
  • Or do one leg at a time
  • To be more stable hold on to a chair For example
  • There is also a floor variant lying on the side

The deadlift (dumbbells)

  • Place dumbbells on either side of your legs
  • Your feet are shoulder width apart
  • You start the movement with the knees bent
  • Your legs are almost parallel to the ground
  • Your back is straight (neither round nor hollow) and leaning forward a little
  • For that, tighten your abs And tuck in the navel
  • Your hips are slightly back And lowered
  • They are also a little above your knees
  • Grab the dumbbells And keep them as close to your legs as possible
  • They must be approximately shoulder width
  • Once you have the dumbbells in hand, push through your legs
  • When your legs are almost tense, straighten up
  • For that, bring your pelvis forward without arching your back
  • Think carefully contract your glutes and stay tight
  • To the end of movement your legs are stretched and your back straight
  • Come back down with the reverse movement
  • Once down, do touch the dumbbells to the ground
  • Then go back in the same way

Glute bridges/hip raises

  • Lie down on the ground with the back straight And straighten your legs
  • Bring your feet towards you And bend your legs slightly
  • Try to have a approximately 45° angle with your knees
  • Your feet must not be neither too far nor too close of your basin
  • Your basin and your buttocks touch the ground
  • Push on the heels For bring up your basin and your hips
  • Align your pelvis with your shoulders and your knees to be right
  • THE pelvis movement and of hip is done to the top
  • In top of movement, contract THE glutes and the ischio
  • Do lower your pelvis to the ground in controlling the descent
  • For a little more challenge, born don't put your butt down completely on the ground
  • To be more stable, you can push on the floor with your hands
  • But your shoulders should not come off the ground
  • And if it is too easy, do it on one leg Or with a dumbbell

The slots

  • Your feet are hip width
  • Keep it left leg on the ground, she must not move
  • Make a step forward with your right leg
  • Don't make her go neither too far nor too close
  • Once the right foot on the ground, make sure it is well anchored
  • Make a bending the knees to bend the leg
  • For emphasize the glutes, let her go hip backwards
  • For emphasize the quads, make him leave knee forward
  • Your knee can extend past your foot if you have the mobility for
  • Keep your knee in line with your leg (or a little outwards)
  • Control well there descent before stretching your knee
  • Bring back your right leg towards your left leg
  • THE movement must be vertical, don't lean forward
  • Do The same, but on the other side, your right foot does not move
  • You make a step left leg forward
  • You make a knee flexion then you bring your leg towards you 
  • When moving, you must stay well covered
  • You can also do the rearward slits


  • Place your feet shoulder width
  • Your knees are aligned with your toes
  • keep it straight back, it is not hollowed out or rounded
  • Tighten the navel and the abs to stay stable and sheathed
  • Your shoulders have to be lowered and backwards
  • Your body weight East centered on your heels
  • Make a knee flexion and of hips For to come down
  • There trajectory of movement must be vertical
  • For emphasize the glutes, send them away hips back
  • For emphasize the quads, send them away knees forward
  • Control the descent until your legs be parallel to the ground
  • Push in your heels and in your legs to go up
  • Explode on the way up, but avoid bringing your knees inwards
  • Do not straighten your legs all the way, keep a small knee bend
  • Without dumbbells or without a barbell, use your arm to balance you

Kettlebell swings

  • Hold on standing with your back straight and the well contracted abs
  • Your feet are slightly wider apart that the width of your shoulders
  • Your legs are slightly bent, but almost tense
  • Place a kettlebell a few centimeters in front of you
  • Make a hip flexion And push your butt back
  • At the same time, lean forward while keeping the straight back
  • Your hips remain aligned with your back above your knees
  • And your knees are aligned with your toes
  • In low position your back East almost parallel to the ground
  • And your shins remain perpendicular to the ground
  • Grab the kettlebell in keeping your back straight and the arms almost outstretched
  • Your chin is tucked and your head stays straight
  • In this way your head is in line with your spine
  • Grab the kettlebell with your hands
  • With your arms, make him go behind you
  • keep them back engaged for good control the kettlebell
  • Once the kettlebell behind you, bring your hips forward
  • It's a little as if you want to jump forward
  • THE movement is explosive And comes from the pool to create a pendulum
  • THE back straightens up on its own, THE buttocks and the arms follow
  • Use this pendulum For throw your arms upward
  • They must stop at shoulder level (no higher)
  • In top of movement, contract well the glutes and the abs
  • Your shoulders, your back, your hips and your knees are aligned
  • Afterwards, let the kettlebell come back down In the opposite way
  • Make it go between your legs And behind you
  • Then repeat the movement For raise the kettlebell again
  • Your arm must stay almost tense throughout the exercise
  • You have to inspire on the way down And exhale on the rise
  • When the kettlebell comes down, YOU you should not do a squat

3. Tips for complete/versatile exercises

The supermans

  • Lie down on the ground on your stomach
  • Your legs and your arm are almost tense
  • Raise them arm and the legs up at the same time
  • Tighten your abs and the buttocks to be stable
  • Keep it head in alignment with your spine
  • Then bring your arms back and the legs on the ground
  • Little tips: focus on a point with your eyes to stay stable
  • You can also do this exercise in core
  • For that, hold your arms and legs up THE as long as possible

Mountain climbers

  • Put yourself in plank position with arms outstretched
  • Your hands are at your shoulder level to the same width
  • Your feet are also shoulder width and your legs are stretched
  • You are resting on your toes
  • Your back is straight, your navel pulled in and your tight abs
  • In this position, keep your left foot on the ground
  • Bend your right knee And bring it back at the level of your chest
  • Afterwards, bring your right foot back to the ground in stretching your leg
  • Do it same thing with left leg with the right foot on the ground
  • Alternate left and right leg
  • The faster you go, the more you put your cardio to the test

The snatch (dumbbells)

  • Hold on standing with the legs shoulder width
  • Place a dumbbell between your legs
  • Come down into a squat while keeping your back straight
  • Don't arch your back, for that keep your abs tight
  • Stop when you can grab the dumbbell
  • Your hips are slightly above your knees 
  • Take the dumbbell with your right arm
  • Go back in pushing on the legs and the heels
  • When you go back up, keep it right arm extended
  • Use your left arm to stabilize yourself
  • He should not touch your body
  • Once the knees almost stretched and the hips aligned make a shrug
  • Then at the same time, pull the dumbbell with your arm
  • Bring it to your chin level in bending the elbow
  • Raise the dumbbell above your head with the almost outstretched arm
  • You are a little overhead squat position
  • Make a hip extension and knees For to be straight
  • To the end of movement the dumbbell East centered in the middle of your foot
  • He must not neither forward nor backward
  • Once in full extension, let the dumbbell come down 
  • Return the dumbbell between your legs
  • Come down into a squat while keeping the hips above knees
  • Place the dumbbell on the floor And catch it with your left hand
  • Then do the same movement, but of left side
  • Chain each arm in trying of do not place the dumbbell on the ground
  • You can add A small jump when you pull the dumbbell

Thrusters (bar or dumbbells)

  • Hold on standing with the feet shoulder width
  • Your hands are slightly wider than your shoulders
  • Your legs are slightly bent
  • There barbell or dumbbells are on your shoulders
  • Your elbows are slightly inward And to the top
  • You are sheathed, THE straight back and the navel pulled in
  • Make a squat keeping the barbell or dumbbells on the shoulders
  • Go down with a hip flexion while keeping the straight back
  • Your knees remain aligned with your toes
  • Your hips descend slightly lower than your knees
  • Push in your heels and in your legs to go up
  • Use your momentum to do lift the bar or dumbbells
  • When stretching your legs, PUSH in your arm and your shoulders
  • Raise the bar or dumbbells keeping them well centered
  • To the end of movement there barbell or dumbbells are above the head
  • Your hips, knees And arm have to be aligned
  • Do lower the bar where the dumbbells with the reverse movement
  • There rod where the dumbbells go down with your legs
  • Then come back down into a squat For redo the thruster

4. Tips for abs exercises


  • Lie down on the back on a mat
  • Bring your heels between them For spread your legs outwards
  • A little as for the stretching exercise of "butterfly
  • Your shoulders are on the ground and your arm to the side
  • YOU don't have to arch your back
  • For that, tuck in the navel And contract your abs
  • Raise your torso to come get into a sitting position
  • Try to use as little momentum as possible
  • Your buttocks must stay stuck to the ground
  • In top of movement you have to have a straight back
  • Your shoulders have to be in front of your hips
  • Once at the top, touch your feet before return to the ground
  • Let yourself go down on the ground in controlling the movement
  • The goal is to tone your abs well when descent
  • Once your shoulders back to the ground repeat the movement
  • You can also do the sit-ups with the arms stretched behind the head
  • Launch them forward And take advantage of the momentum to go up
  • Touch your feet, go back down Then start again

Russian twists

  • Put yourself sitting on a mat
  • Bend slightly legs so as to see a angle of approximately 45°
  • Lean back a little in order to to engage your abs
  • Don't arch your back, always try keep it straight
  • Take your feet off the ground
  • Your hands are against each other in front of you
  • Make a slight rotation to the right
  • Imagine that you have a paddle in your hands
  • It is as if you were trying to push the water to the right
  • Then do it reverse movement with a rotation to the left
  • The same, imagine you want to push the water to the left
  • If it's too easy, you can take a medicine ball or weight
  • If it's too hard, put your feet on the ground And straighten up a little

Sheathing (classic and commando)

The execution of classic sheathing is the following :

  • Lie down on the ground on the belly And straighten your legs
  • You have the choice between you put on the hands or elbows
  • keep it straight back and the rounded shoulder blades
  • For that, push into the ground with your elbows or hands
  • Tighten your abs And hollow the navel
  • Imagine that you bring your pelvis towards your navel
  • Your shoulders, your back, your buttocks and your legs have to be aligned
  • Keep it head straight in line with your spine
  • Look at the ground to place your head correctly
  • Tighten THE legs and the glutes For be stable
  • If it's too hard, you can do it on your knees
  • If it's too easy, raise your right arm and left leg
  • Then alternate by lifting the left arm and right leg

THE military/commando sheathing is a little different:

  • YOU start on the hands in plank position with outstretched arms
  • Keep it left hand resting on the ground
  • Lower your right hand for you press on your elbow
  • Then do it same thing on the left side
  • Lower your left hand for you press on your elbow
  • You then find yourself in sheathing on the elbows
  • Return to your right hand And extend your arm
  • Then do The same, but of left side
  • Return to your left hand And extend your arm
  • This time you are in plank position with outstretched arms
  • Then lower yourself onto your elbows on each side
  • Repeat these movements several times
  • YOU must stay covered throughout the exercise
  • Tighten your abs, tuck in the navel And contract the glutes

You can either go down the right side then the left side then go up on the right side and the left side. Or go down the right side then the left side then go up the left side and the right side.

Leg raises

  • Lie on the ground on your back with the hands on each side
  • YOU don't have to arch your back, but the keep flat
  • For that, imagine that you bring the pelvis towards your navel
  • At the same time, hollow the navel And tighten your abs
  • If necessary you can put your hands under your buttocks
  • Your legs must almost tense, even tense
  • Your tiptoes are they too tense 
  • Afterwards, lift your legs up
  • Imagine that these are your feet leading your legs
  • THE movement must be done from high to low
  • To the end of movement, your legs form almost a 90° angle
  • Afterwards, lower your legs without placing your feet on the ground
  • Think carefully control the descent without straining your back
  • Then you just have to repeat the exercise
  • If it's too easy, add a candle at the top of the movement

5. Tips for cardio exercises

Squat jumps

  • THE movement is the same as squats
  • YOU just add a jump at extension time
  • Start with the feet shoulder width apart
  • keep it straight back And stay covered tightening your abs
  • Make a knee flexion For lower your hips
  • Control the descent without leaning too far forward
  • Once the legs parallel to the ground, push to go back up
  • Push explosively For finish the movement with a jump
  • At time hip and knee extension, YOU jump
  • Use your arms for you to balance And gain momentum
  • Keep them close to you And in front of you when you go down
  • Push with And tense them when pushing For jump

Jumped lunges

  • THE movement is the same as that of the slots
  • YOU just add a jump at time the extension
  • Stand straight with the feet shoulder width
  • Keep it left leg on the ground
  • Make a step forward with right leg
  • Once the right foot on the ground, make a knee flexion
  • Bend your leg to have a 90° angle
  • Your right foot is good anchored in the ground to stay stable
  • keep it knee aligned with your leg and your foot
  • Control the descent Then rise explosively
  • At time the extension, make a jump to change legs
  • During the jump, pass your left leg forward
  • At the same time, send your right leg a little back
  • When your feet touch the ground, you must be in lunge position
  • So you have the left leg forward, in knee flexion
  • And your right foot has taken the place of your left foot
  • Repeat the movement to change legs again


You have several ways to do burpees. There is the level:

  • Beginner
      • You put one foot after the other on the ground for you put on board
  • Intermediate
      • YOU kick your feet back for you put on board
  • Confirmed
    • YOU kick your feet back to put your hips, your knees and your chest on the ground

If you start, as you progress through your workouts, the goal is to succeed in doing burpees at advanced level. The execution is as follows:

  • Get started standing with the feet shoulder width
  • Your hands are approximately shoulder width also
  • Lean forward in slightly bending your knees
  • Place your hands on the ground And swing your legs back
  • You must find yourself in plank position with straight arms
  • Instead of holding this position, drop to the ground
  • Go down slowly doing like a wave
  • Leave your knees, your hips then your chest fall to the ground
  • Afterwards, straighten your chest in pushing on your hands
  • Stretch your arms, but keep THE hips and the knees on the ground
  • Push on your arms For make your butt rise THE as high as possible
  • At the same time, jump to bring your feet level with your hands
  • Your feet are flat And you can you stand up by jumping
  • Afterwards, repeat the movement in synchronizing your breathing
  • You have to blow on the way down Then inspire to climb

On the burpees you have to avoid tiring yourself unnecessarily. Something that happens often when you do :

  • A squat to go down
  • A strict pump For to come down Then get back to the ground

SO, avoid burning yourself And don't do squats or push-ups in your burpees!

Jumping jacks

  • Get started standing with feet shoulder width apart
  • Your arm are along your legs on your thighs
  • Jump in place in bring your feet shoulder width apart
  • Stay resting firmly on your toes
  • At the same time, bring your arms up to the top of your head
  • Your forearm must at least be horizontal
  • Your arms are almost outstretched
  • Do it reverse movement For return to initial position
  • Connect the two movements without pausing
  • Keep always have a straight back and the semi-flexed knees

High knees (without skipping rope)

  • Hold on standing in tightening the abs to be sheathed.
  • You are going to make knee raises on the spot
  • Raise the right arm and the left leg at the same time
  • Your left knee must happen at your hips
  • As soon as your left foot touches the ground, do same on the other side
  • Ride it left arm and the right leg at the same time
  • Chain each side quickly
  • All this while being resting on your tiptoes
  • To be effective on this exercise use your arms
  • You can also do the high knees with a skipping rope
  • YOU replace arm movements over there rope
  • Little reminder: these are your wrists that turn the rope

Double unders

  • Grab your rope And start jumping
  • Your hands have to be fairly close to your hips
  • Your elbows are almost stuck to your body
  • Make single unders (simple jumps) to start
  • Afterwards when you are well, start them double unders
  • Jump high enough For pass the rope twice
  • If it can help you, stretch your legs slightly forward
  • When you jump, you have to keep your trunk straight 
  • Chain while keeping a regular rhythm
  • The key for double unders it is find the right rhythm
  • Use the sound of the string For find the right timing
  • You have to spin the rope fast enough so that it passes twice
  • For that they are your wrists which have to go fast
  • THE 2nd wrist movement is done slightly backwards
  • Then bring your wrists forward When you go back down
  • Also remember to stay well relaxed throughout the movement

For familiarize yourself with double unders, there is a little exercise that you can do. Lay down your rope and practice jump so that you can touch your thighs twice When you are in the air.

Tuck knees (group jumps)

  • Get started standing with the feet shoulder width
  • keep them tight abs to be well sheathed
  • Your knees are slightly bent
  • Jump with both feet at the same time
  • Bring your knees to chest level
  • You can touch your knees with your hands
  • Once your feet are on the ground, repeat the movement
  • The ideal is to continue bouncing without pause on the ground
  • Think carefully stay supported on your toes
  • But if it is too hard, take a whole short break after each jump

With all these explanations that we have just seen together, you should be able to do these movements without worry. You just have to test these exercises in your circuit trainings And choose the ones you prefer !

Of course, during your workouts, vary the movements and take a few seconds of recovery between exercises depending on your level of practice.

And if you want to try other exercises, do not hesitate, treat yourself ! With or without equipment, you have the choice. Just think about taking a look at YouTube to see how to perform well THE movements.


THE circuit training East easily adjustable according to your desires and needs. You can choose the exercises you want.

Among the most used, we find the squat, THE pumps, THE burpees, THE sheathing, THE slots or even the sit-ups.

feel free to vary the exercises. The goal is to work the whole body, but also improve your cardiovascular endurance.

And if you have want to know more about this type of workout, we give you go to our article which deals with circuit training. 👀

Circuit training at DRIP

You want to test an intensive workout inspired by circuit training and HIIT ? We got you! DRIP is 50 minutes of explosive workout For let off steam in a group. 💥

With our workouts, YOU chain the workshops without recovery. You're going to have a hard time, but since we're nice, we'll give you some rest between each round

At DRIP our goal is to help you surpass yourself in a spirit of cohesion. You let off steam with your friend and without judgment !

Our trainings are accessible to everyone, whether you are sporty or not. In addition, our coaches are there to guide you And help you in every movement !

SO, it heats you up ? Rejoignez-nous dans notre salle de sport à Paris 8ème ou notre salle de sport à Paris 10ème to come and sweat with us. You will love to hate us! 🥵

